SKR and "Rådet för främjande av kommunala analyser" (RKA) offer a model and a survey for continuously evaluating and monitoring employer policies in municipalities and regions. The surveys focus on Hållbart medarbetarengagemang (HME). Click here to read more about HME or contact your Customer Success Manager for more information about how it works in Winningtemp.
Get started
- Under Results & analysis, click on Team temperature
- Click on Survey results
- Click on the survey you would like to export
- Click on Export
- In the slide-out menu, specify your export (see table below for more information)
- Click on Export
- The export will be available in the My Reports section, and you will be notified by email when it's ready.
Survey Round | Specify which survey you would like to export. |
Region or municipality | Select the appropriate template for your export based on whether you are a region or a municipality. |
Groups and segments | Select which groups or segments in Winningtemp that corresponds with each of the groups in the HME template. |
Next steps
- Download the report to your computer
- Open the file in Excel
- Follow the instructions available in the Gör såhär tab within the spreadsheet.