What are supplemental categories and supplemental questions?

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  • Reduce staff turnover by 30%
  • Reduce negative stress by 26%
  • Increase job satisfaction by 21%


What are supplemental categories? 

The supplemental categories can be used together with the standard categories to get a more complete picture of employee experience, and are a complement to Winningtemp's existing question batteries. The supplemental categories are developed in collaboration with the University of Gothenburg and are selected based on market trends and feedback from our customers.

The 11 supplemental categories are: 

  • Psychological safety  
  • Transparency 
  • Person job-fit 
  • Cross-functional collaboration 
  • Subjective well-being 
  • Sustainability (social, environmental, and economic)
  • Diversity, equality, and inclusion
  • Self-leadership
  • Ambassadorship
  • Trust
  • Innovation


1. Psychological safety - New

Corresponding concepts in Research Literature

Psychological safety


A brief definition of psychological security (PS) can be described as "individuals' perceptions of the consequences of interpersonal risks in their work environment" (Edmondson et al., 2004). Psychological security thus reflects individuals' perceptions of how others react when exposing themselves / making themselves vulnerable by, for example, asking a question, seeking feedback, reporting mistakes or proposing a new idea. Psychological security promotes the willingness to contribute ideas and actions to a shared/common enterprise (Frazier et al., 2016).

It is the belief that the workplace is safe for interpersonal risk-taking.

Psychological safety allows employees “to feel safe at work in order to grow, learn, contribute, and perform effectively in a rapidly changing world.

Example question: "Do you feel it is okay to make mistakes in your team?"


2. Transparency - New

Corresponding concepts in Research Literature



Transparency is the extent to which the inner workings of the organization are made available to the members of the organization. This includes sharing information about finances, governance, operations and culture from management. It is measured by the degree of being direct, easy to understand, honest, reliable and useful The goal of transparency is to create a more open and accountable organization.

Example question: "Do you feel that it’s easy to access information about important news at [the company]?"


3. Person – job fit - New

Corresponding concepts in Research Literature

Person – Job fit


Person-job fit is the degree to which a person’s knowledge, skills, abilities, needs and values match job requirements. (Brkich et al., 2002)

It is a form of organizational psychology that states that an individual’s personality traits will reveal insight into their adaptability within an organization.

By matching the right individual characteristics with the right job, companies can achieve better synergy and avoid pitfalls such as high turnover and low job satisfaction. Employees are more likely to stay committed to organizations if the fit is good.

Example question: "Do you feel that you have the opportunity to use your skills in your current role?"


4. Cross-functional collaboration - New

Corresponding concepts in Research Literature

Boundary spanning, cross-functional collaboration, inter-departmental collaboration, weak ties


Boundary spanning is interacting with people and resources outside one's normal area of activity. It is about transcending organizational boundaries to gain access to new information, new ideas and new perspectives, or carry out collaborations and joint projects.

Boundary reconnaissance involves actions/actions that a group takes to reach out to its surroundings in order to obtain important resources and support. By bridging boundaries, the team reaches out to discover internal and external requirements, secure the resources and support needed to meet those demands, advance the team's work, and build "goodwill" among stakeholders. Unlike boundary scouting which is a more strategic outreach strategy, boundary buffering is  more strategically disconnected. Boundary buffering means that the group isolates itself more from exposure from its surroundings and thereby promotes a more "rational" thinking/behaviour within the group. Boundary buffering thus strengthens the group's boundaries against external interference or influence and creates a protected internal atmosphere. Boundary reinforcement means that the group establishes its boundaries through increased awareness of the boundaries and strengthening the group's identity. Clear boundaries and a clear group identity can help team members preserve their energy and commitment so they can focus on accomplishing the group's task/tasks. Boundary work is thus about acquiring information and resources as well as managing relationships with external stakeholders and protecting the group's resources (including time and energy) from competing for external requirements (Faraj & Yan, 20)

Example question: "Do you communicate with people outside of your own unit or department?"


5. Subjective well–being - New

Corresponding concepts in Research Literature

Subjective well-being


Subjective Well – Being (SWB) refers to the cognitive evaluation and emotional balance that people make of their lives.

It is an individual's emotional assessment of their life.

Includes both positive and negative emotions and cognitive assessments of how satisfied one is with one's life - what lay people call happiness, peace, fulfilment, and life satisfaction.

Example question: "Do you regularly experience positive emotions such as happiness, joy, and love?"



6. Sustainability 

Corresponding concepts in the research literature:

Sustainability, environmental sustainability, social sustainability, economic sustainability, triple bottom line, sustainable development, open sustainability, corporate social responsibility (CSR), environmental social governance (ESG), environmental in-role behaviours (EIRB), sustainable leadership.​


Sustainability does not have a single definition but is rather a collective term for different types of sustainability. A useful collective term is the triple bottom line (TBL):

Social sustainability: human rights, gender equality, inclusion.  

Ecological sustainability: environmental and climate impact.

Economic sustainability: long-term economic growth without adversely impacting social or environmental aspects of society.

Example question:  "Do you feel that your company cares about its employees’ quality of life?"


7. Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

How equal and inclusive the employees perceive the company to be. 

Example question: "Does your company make an effort to recruit a diverse workforce, in terms of ethnicity, gender, age, and sexual orientation?"


8. Self-leadership

Corresponding concepts in the research literature

Self-leadership, personal initiative


Self-leadership is described as a collection of mental strategies that leads an individual to specific behaviours and aims to increase value for an organisation and increase individual effectiveness and well-being (Houghton et al. 2013). 

A closely related concept to Self-Leadership is the concept
Personal Initiative, which Frese & Fay (2001) divide into the following aspects: (1) Self-Starting, (2) Proactive, and (3) Persistent.

To create these questions, three different conceptualisations of self-leadership were used:


Personal initiative

Voice behaviour

Example question: "When a problem arises at work, are you active in trying to solve it?"


9. Ambassadorship

Corresponding concepts in the research literature

Organizational citizenship behaviours, organizational commitment, organizational ambassadorship, organizational advocacy, loyalty


Ambassadorship is not its own clearly delineated concept when it comes to employees' attitudes and behaviours, but is included in several conceptualisations/models that deal with employee engagement. The first of these conceptualisations is called Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB). This measures the individual's participation in the organisation by assessing whether the individual is a helpful citizen inwardly and a loyal ambassador outwardly (ambassadorship is called in OCB for loyalty and sometimes loyal boosterism). The second conceptualisation of commitment is called organizational commitment, which measures commitment in the form of willingness to perform as well as ambassadorship.

Sample question: "Do you think that your company’s values are similar to your own?"


10. Trust

Corresponding concepts in the research literature

Trust, trustfulness

A number of conceptualisations have been developed over the years, which is a testament to the fact that the concept of trust has been difficult to define (Dienz & Den Hartog, 2006). Trust can be described as a psychological condition that involves the intention to accept vulnerability (for example, relinquishing power and influence) based on positive expectations of others' intentions or behaviours. Based on these contexts, trust is explained as something interpersonal, as well as something that can be experienced between people and organisations. In sum, the definitions of trust revolve around the concepts below, which can be seen as sub-dimensions of the concept of trust:

Conscientiousness: You show good motives, kindness and genuine care for other people.

Integrity: You show honesty, transparency, and a desire for fair treatment.

Competence: How do you tend to estimate the competence of others?  

Predictability: There is consistency and regularity to your behaviours.  

Openness: Your desire to listen and engage in dialogue.

Example question: "Do you feel confident that management treats you fairly?"


11. Innovation

Corresponding concepts in the research literature

Innovation, innovation readiness, dynamic capabilities


Innovation has several definitions. The most common is the OECD definition: innovation is the ability to develop or improve new products (goods/services) (product/service innovation) that are relevant to a market, but also the ability to change internal processes and organisational methods (process- and organisational innovation). In the development of the question battery, the following three dimensions have been used:

  • Structure. The way you organise the innovation work. Innovation processes. Working methods. Formalisation and centralisation. Vision and strategy.
  • Culture. The rulebook determines which behaviours are accepted.
  • Resources. Access to time, financing, skills, etc.

Example question: "Does your company culture promote experimentation and risk-taking?"


In which languages are the questions available?

The questions are available in all of Winningtemp’s current question languages.

Do the supplemental questions generate insights and trends?

Yes, just like our standard categories, supplemental questions generate both insights and trends.

Which package includes the supplemental questions?

The supplemental questions are included in our Expand package.

I have the Expand package. Where do I activate supplemental categories?

Note: Only System administrators can access this view. In the side menu, go to Survey> Standard Surveys> click the three dots next to the Survey you want to modify> click Edit> click Questions categories> click Supplemental.

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