Login using "Check-in" code

Check-in allows everyone at the company to contribute to the temperature even without their computer, phone, or tablet.

Haven't set up Check-in yet? Start with making sure your System administrator follows this guide.
What is "Check-in"?

How to sign in  

  1. Open the Check-in URL that your system administrator in the web browser on a shared computer, tablet, or smartphone. For example https://checkin.winningtemp.com/yourcompanyname.
  2. Sign in using the code you got from your Manager or System administrator.


  3. Once signed in, you will be able to answer the weekly or monthly temperature questions and contribute to your organization's work well-being.
  4. Remember to click Sign out in the top right corner when you are done.


  • If you want to see what the temperature looks like in your organization, you can do so by clicking Show Temperature. Here you will get a full overview of the different categories and the current temperature.
  • Depending on how your system is set up, you might need to get in touch with your system administrator to activate the ability to show temperature.

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