Survey reminders

Who gets reminders?

Both automatic and manual reminders are sent to users that fulfill three criteria:

  1. They need to have been a recipient of the sent survey
  2. They do not have registered answers from the survey
  3. They need to have an email address setup in their profile

Automatic reminders

Automatic reminders are only sent for our standard surveys, not for custom ones. The automatic reminder is sent after three days – this cannot be changed or adjusted.

The reminders are not sent on weekends. 

For a given weekday, the reminders are sent as follows:

  • Monday -> Thursday
  • Tuesday -> Friday
  • Wednesday -> Monday
  • Thursday -> Monday
  • Friday -> Monday

Manual reminders

Manual reminders can be sent for all surveys, by following these steps:

  1. Press Surveys
  2. In the first tab, mailing press Sent
  3. Press the three dots next to a survey that is still open for responses
  4. Choose Send Reminder

I’ve got a reminder, despite answering the survey 

If you get a reminder on a survey that you’ve previously answered, please verify it with the Winningtemp application.

If there is an active survey, it can be found on the overview page or in the notifications – if system notifications are enabled by your system administrators.

Please note that the responses are not sent as you select the smiley for each question, when all questions have been answered a Send button will appear at the bottom of the screen. When you’ve then pressed Send, you’ll get a confirmation screen, which is when your responses are registered in the Winningtemp tool.

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