Group types

What are group types?

In larger organisations, there are usually many different types of groups, departments or countries. With group types, you can specify if a group is an office, a department, a group, or a country. After the groups have been differentiated, you can ensure that your employees only have access to temperature data for the relevant groups. 

For example, with group types, you can configure that your employees can see the temperature for their group, the department and the total temperature for the company, but they cannot see the temperature for the rest of the groups in the organisation.

Note: The names of the different group types do not affect any functionality, feature or statistics in Winningtemp and are merely a way to label the group for the transparency settings (see below). You can safely use a group type, even if it's not the same name as what you call the group internally. 

How to change the group type

  1. Click Administration
  2. Click Users & teams
  3. Under Groups, locate the group you'd like to change by clicking your way through the group structure or by searching for it
  4. Click on the three dots next to the group
  5. Click Edit
  6. Under Group type, select the appropriate group type.
  7. Click Save.


Note: If you don't specify a group type, the group will automatically be tagged as a "Group".

Change the transparency setting

Select which group types your users should be able to see the temperature for in their Winningtemp.

  1. Click Administration
  2. Click System & templates
  3. Click Temperature
  4. Click Temperature
  5. Click Temperature presentation
  6. Here, you'll be able to select which group types the user should see in their Winningtemp
  7. Select one or several options 
  8. Click Save.

Note: Changing the transparency only displays the temperature, comments will not be visible to users.

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