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For administrators
For administrators
Getting started
Navigate Winningtemp
Anonymisation of comments
Get started with Winningtemp
Winningtemp Academy
Benefits of using Winningtemp - for leaders
Benefits of using Winningtemp - for HR
See all 12 articles
Managing users
Create a new user account
Remove a user account
Pause a user account
I can't find a user
Add a new System administrator
The different user statuses
See all 8 articles
Roles & Permissions
User permissions
Standard roles in Winningtemp
Assign, or unassign, roles
Role and Permission Report
Pulse surveys
Survey reminders
Hidden temperature
Pause surveys
The weekly view
Customize a standard question
Create custom questions
See all 14 articles
Groups & segments
Add a user to a group
Exclude a group from all surveys
Restore a deleted group
Group types
Group structure & segments
Remove a user from a group
See all 15 articles
Temperature Meetings
Guided temperature meetings
How to work with Guided Temperature Meetings
Create a Guided Temperature Meeting
Generate reports
Export data from Winningtemp
Customized manager reporting - Generate PDF Summary
Generate an Engagement Report
Winningtemp API
Export HME results
Multiple surveys
Set up multiple surveys
Add a survey company name to a standard survey
Edit a standard survey
Exclude users from standard surveys
Cancel or delete a standard survey
Other tools
Bullying and discrimination
Trending topics
Smart Assistant for Conversations
Selectable contacts and how they work
Response escalation
See all 9 articles
Onboarding & Offboarding surveys
Set up an Offboarding survey
Set up an Onboarding survey
How to make the most of Winningtemp
Get started with temperature meetings
Comment notifications
Configure DNS records for a custom email domain
Use a custom email domain
Custom company logo
Change content in the Overview
Learn more about user integrations
Integrate Winningtemp with Microsoft Teams (for administrators)
Integrate Winningtemp with Slack
Set up BambooHR integration with Winningtemp
Set up Personio integration with Winningtemp
Integrations report
Praise Engagement
Configure the Praise feature
Performance Management
Create a Milestone
Mixed-mode authentication
Change system and question language in Winningtemp
Winningtemp Labs
Winningtemp Labs
Company group features
Change organisation
Consolidated temperature
Company group benchmark
Return to top
standard survey, groups, anonymity, custom questions