Pause surveys

Note: Only system administrators can pause all surveys.

During the summer holidays, or on other occasions, it can be a good idea to pause the survey mailing. 

  1. Click Surveys
  2. Click Add Mailing pause
  3. Choose a start and end date
  4. Click Save


Tip of the day

To be able to see any temperature after the summer period, it can be a good idea to increase the number of months that you display temperature. If you temporarily change the threshold in the Overview, to 5 months, you'll still be able to see the temperature even when there's very little data during the summer period. 

Follow: Change content in the Overview and select five under "Number of months for presentation of temperature".

If you want to change the date or remove the mailing pause

Hover over the mailing pause, and you will see editing options such as Edit or Delete.


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