Remove a user account

To make sure that the user's tab is up-to-date and to keep the temperature accurate, here's how you remove a user account. It's just as important to remove a user account as it is to create one.

How to remove a user account

To remove a user account, you go to the:

  1. Click Administration
  2. Click Users & team
  3. In the search field, enter the username or name. Click on the user once when you've found the right account
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page
  5. To remove the user account, press the Remove Account button


The account is now marked for deletion and will be deleted after a predefined amount of days (the standard is 90 days).
If you'd like you can change the deletion timeframe, you can do that on the settings page. While you mark a user for deletion, they have no access to their Winningtemp account and can no longer reply to surveys. With the account marked for deletion, the user will not count toward your user licenses.

Can I remove multiple accounts at once?

Yes, you can. You can remove multiple accounts by first selecting the users using the checkboxes next to their initials. After that, just click Remove to delete them all at once.


I accidentally deleted a user

You can undo the deletion of the user by pressing the Undo button in their profile. 
If you can't find the user after you deleted it, follow this article: I can't find a user.

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