Set up an Onboarding survey

Note: Onboarding surveys are only available for System administrators using our Expand package. If you'd like to know more about the Expand package, contact your Customer Success Manager.

We built our Onboarding survey with ease in mind. That means you can pick a template, and we will automatically help you with ready-made questions and recommended settings. When selecting the onboarding survey, the system will auto-populate the fields with our recommended settings (see table below) and add our researched-based onboarding questions. 

Set up an onboarding survey

  1. Click Surveys
  2. Go to Custom Survey and click Create survey 
  3. In the slide-out, select Employee Onboarding
  4. Click Next.


Recommended settings

Setting Recommendation
Survey name Onboarding-survey
Survey type Interval
Frequency  Weekly
Weekday Fridays
Start date Next workday
End date None
Only send once per recipient Off
Our onboarding questions  All available questions

When you set up the survey with our recommended settings, all new users will receive an onboarding survey with five questions per week. That means that they will receive three surveys throughout the one-month onboarding period. 

If you want to use our recommended settings, click through the steps and launch the survey.

If you want to use custom settings for your onboarding survey

How do I create a custom survey?

Exclude new hires from the standard mailing 

New employees might find it difficult to answer the Standard survey, as they might not know enough about their work situation yet. You can choose to exclude new hires from the Standard survey for a set period. 

  1. Click Surveys and then Standard survey
  2. If you use more than one standard survey, start by clicking on the survey you want to delay
  3. Enable the “Delay mailing for new employees” toggle 
  4. Select a time frame for how long new employees should be excluded from the standard mailing
  5. Click Save Changes.



Where can I see the temperature?

Once you've set up the survey, remember to add it to the overview page to be able to see the results. Follow: Change content in the Overview


What about anonymity?

How is Winningtemp anonymous?


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