Standard roles in Winningtemp

This guide details the various standard roles available in Winningtemp, each offering different levels of visibility and access.

For high-level information about our roles and permissions see the table below, we also recommend reading this article first - User Permissions in Winningtemp. Our user permissions system is flexible, so different roles can be combined, with some exceptions for the System Administrator. Click the image below to expand it 👇🏻

User Permissions_Winningtemp.jpg

System Administrator

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Who can assign the role?

System Administrators

Who is this article for?

System Administrators

About the role 💡

The first role assigned is the System Administrator, which holds the highest level of access and visibility into all system features. They have permission to make global configurations for the organisation as a whole. 

What can the System administrator do?

The System Administrator can access all pages, settings, and features in Winningtemp.

Good to know
  • The System administrator has no access to information regarding which user provided specific answers or who wrote an anonymous comment
  • The System administrator has no access to whistleblower reports - Only the employee that's been assigned as the responsible user can access Whistleblower reports
  • The role of System Administrator cannot be combined with other roles.

Assign the role ✅


Winningtemp plan

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Who can assign the role?

System Administrators

Who is this article for?

System Administrators

About the role💡

The support role can assist with user administration, such as deactivating users, creating new users, or assigning managers to the correct group. Has access to the same settings and tabs as the System administrator but cannot view data such as temperature and comments.
Note that the Support role has access to all users in the organisation (groups, segments, and users with no group belonging) 

Who is the Support?

The support role is often assigned to a user who can assist with administrative tasks in Winningtemp.

What can the Support role manage?

Here is what the Support role can do and access for the whole organisation:
  • Manage Employees & Groups/Segments
    • Manage employees (add/edit/delete users to the groups and/or segments assigned)
    • Create and manage sub-groups
    • Edit Segments
    • View the organisational chart
    • Export users (Excel)
  • Survey - Create and administer surveys
    • Create Custom surveys (incl. Onboarding & Offboarding template)
    • Create question categories
    • View all surveys
  • Settings
    • Manage settings and global configuration 
  • View and create Guided temperature meetings 
  • Integrations
    • View and export integration reports

Assign the role ✅


Winningtemp plan

All plans 

Who can assign the role?

System Administrators

Who is this article for?

System Administrators

About the role💡

The Admin administers users and can add/remove users from groups/segments. Admins cannot override the system administrator's initial setup and have no access to the settings menu. The Admin will not become a member of the assigned teams (groups and segments); instead, they will retain their normal status as a "User" and contribute with data like before. It's also possible to assign the Admin role alone or in combination with other roles.

Who is the Admin?

An Admin is permitted administration for parts of the organisation and is not role-specific.

What can the role do?

Here is what the Admin role can do for their assigned teams;
  • Manage employees (add/edit/delete users to the groups and/or segments assigned)
  • Add/Create and manage sub-groups
  • Add/delete users, pause users, exclude from Question mailing
  • View the Organisational chart
  • Export user reports (Excel)
Note: When assigning the Admin role, groups are mandatory, and segments are optional.


Assign the role ✅

HR leader

Winningtemp plan

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Who can assign the role?

System Administrators

Who is this article for?

System Administrators

About the role💡

With the HR Leader role, you can grant access to specific parts of the organisation, such as the HR Business Partners. That way, you can ensure that they only access relevant data for their part of the organisation or business unit. This may include temperature results, response rates, or sensitive comments (labelled as "System administrators and HR only comments") for their respective teams.

The HR Leader will not become a member of the assigned teams (groups and segments).


Who is the HR Leader?

An HR Leader can be an HRBP (HR Business Partner) responsible for the people strategy, aligning business objectives and supporting management in their business unit.

What can the role do?

Here is what the HR Leaders can do for their assigned teams, including permissions and visibility;
  • View temperature data and analytics
  • Extract reports
    • Including PDF Report, Heat map export & Engagement report (coming soon for HR Leaders)
  • Comments
    • View and reply to comments directly to the "System administrator and HR" and group comments for managers
  • Handle escalations
    • HR Leaders will be selectable contacts for the same groups and the sub-groups below (within the groups they have been assigned)
  • Surveys
    • View all surveys, standard and custom (under the Mailing tab), sent to the assigned teams.
    • Create Custom surveys (including using Onboarding & Offboarding templates)
      • The user will retain view & edit access to the custom surveys created when transitioning between roles in Winningtemp

    • Edit custom surveys (they can only edit the surveys they have created themselves).
    • Create question categories (for the surveys they created)
  • Access to Insights and Actions
  • View and create Meetings
    • Create Follow Ups, Milestones, Guided temperature meetings
Note: Multiple roles can be assigned to one user. For example, the HR Leader can also have an Admin role.


Assign the role ✅


*Note: The manager is not an actual role but rather a permission within a group.

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Who can assign the role?

System Administrators, Support, Managers (only for sub-groups)

Who is this article for?

System Administrators, Support, Managers

About the permission💡

With the manager permission, you can ensure that leaders have access to relevant temperature data, comments, and insights for their team or teams. Having a manager assigned to a team makes it easier to follow up on results and engage in continuous dialogues on how to improve or maintain the temperature data. The Manager also has access to 1:1 meetings such as Follow-up or Milestone meetings.

Who is the Manager?

A manager is typically a leader or an individual responsible for a department or group.

What can the Manager do?

Since the Manager permission is customisable the permissions mentioned below depend on the setup of the manager in your system. Here are the default permissions and visibility options available to Managers for their assigned teams: 
  • View Temperature data and analytics
  • Extract Report
    • Including the PDF Report and Heat map export
  • Comments
    • View and reply to group comments for managers
  • Escalations
    • Managers - in groups above (will be listed as selectable contacts for the users)
  • Survey
    • View/edit/create permission for their surveys
    • Create Custom Surveys
      • The user will retain view & edit access to the custom surveys created when transitioning between roles in Winningtemp
    • Create Question categories (for their surveys).
      • Note: System administrators have permission to provide access to Managers to question categories created by themselves.
    • No permission to view existing surveys.
  • Access to Insights and Actions
  • Access to Praise Engagement
  • Access to Meetings
    • Create Follow Ups, Milestones, Guided temperature meetings
  • Administration access
    • Possible to grant one of the following permissions for a Manager to; "Invite users to a group"; "Invite and edit users"

Assign the role ✅

HR leader

Winningtemp plan

All plans

Who can assign the role?

System Administrators

Who is this article for?

System Administrators

About the role💡

With the HR Leader role, you can grant access to specific parts of the organisation, for example to the HR Business Partners. That way you can ensure that they only access relevant data such as their part of the organisation or business unit. This may include temperature results, response rates, or sensitive comments (labelled as "System administrators and HR only comments") for their respective teams.

The HR Leader will not become a member of the assigned teams (groups and segments).


Who is the HR Leader?

An HR Leader can be an HRBP (HR Business Partner) who's responsible for the people strategy, aligning business objectives and supporting management in their business unit.

What can the role do?

Here is what the HR Leaders can do for their assigned teams, including permissions and visibility;
  • View temperature data and analytics
  • Extract reports
    • Including, PDF Report, Heat map export & Engagement report (coming soon for HR Leaders)
  • Comments
    • View and reply to comments directly to the "System administrator and HR comments" and group comments for managers
  • Handle escalations
    • If they are in the same group and groups above (listed as selectable contacts for the users)
  • Survey
    • View/edit/create surveys (they can only view/edit the surveys they created)
    • Create Custom surveys (including using Onboarding & Offboarding templates)
      • The user will retain view & edit access to the custom surveys created when transitioning between roles in Winningtemp

    • Create question categories (for the surveys they created)
  • Access to Insights and Actions
  • View and create Meetings
    • Create Follow Ups, Milestones, Guided temperature meetings
Note: Multiple roles can be assigned to one user. For example, the HR Leader can also have an Admin role.


Assign the role ✅

People Analyst

Winningtemp plan

Act, Empower, Expand* 

Who can assign the role?

System Administrators, Support

Who is this article for?

System Administrators, Support
*Plan: Standard, Pro if you are in one of Winningtemp's previous plans.

About the role💡

The People Analyst role is designed for users who want to analyse temperature data for specific groups or segments in their business unit without accessing sensitive data such as comments and insights. The role provides a bird's-eye view of analytics and data, with the possibility to dig into further details.

Who is the People Analyst

The People Analyst role is for employees who work with people data and numbers.


What can the role do?

Here is what the People Analyst can do for their assigned teams, including permissions and visibility;
  • View Temperature data and Analytics
  • View Statistics
  • Generate reports
    • Including the PDF Report, Heat map export and the Engagement Report 
Note: The people analyst cannot see comments. Multiple roles can be assigned to one user. For example, the People Analyst can also have an Admin role (not System Administrator). 


Assign the role ✅

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